I help government, businesses, non-profits, academic, startups and churches to be more innovative.

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    1) CEO & Consultant

    Co-create a strategic direction for scaling a tech startup. Lead an innovation consultancy.

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    2) Advisor

    Sit on 2 government advisory committees to increase talent competitiveness.

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    3) Lecturer

    Teach in a university for design thinking and social innovation.

  • Leader

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    Co-founder & CEO, 2020 - Present

    Formulate strategies for future business development

    Secure capital and talents for operations

    Build the next podcast for location-based audio


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    Founder & Principal Consultant, 2021 - Presence

    A boutique innovation consultancy firm for cross-sector innovation.


    - Business: Richemont Group
    - Government: Civil Service Training and Development Institute
    - NGO: Po Leung Kuk, Lutheran Social Service
    - University: Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

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    The University of Hong Kong

    Honorary Lecturer, 2018 - Present (Part time)

    Teach Human-Centric Approach for Social Innovation in the Faculty of Social Science, Department of Social Work and Social Administration.


    The faculty ranked 3rd in Asia and 26th in the World by The 2019 Times Higher Education World University Rankings’ Social Sciences.


  • Government Advisory

    When I have spare time, I would support entrepreneurship and people development.

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    Human Resources Planning Commission, HKSAR Government

    Committee Member, 2018 - Present

    Human Resources Planning Commission is a high-level Commission under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, to consolidate resources and efforts of the Government and various sectors to examine, review, and coordinate policies and measures on human resources in a holistic manner.

    Apart from advising the commission, I sit on the Editorial Board of www.talent.gov.hk, an information portal providing consolidated workforce information to facilitate informed choices regarding career, learning, and development pathways.


    The membership of the Commission is as follows:
    Chairman: Chief Secretary for Administration
    Ex-officio Members:
    Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
    Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs
    Secretary for Education
    Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
    Secretary for Food and Health
    Secretary for Innovation and Technology
    Secretary for Labour and Welfare
    Secretary for Security
    Commissioner for Census and Statistics
    Government Economist
    Chairman, Employees Retraining Board
    Chairman, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
    Chairman, Vocational Training Council

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    Steering Committee on Promotion of Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) and Qualifications Framework (QF)

    Committee Member, 2020 - Present

    The Government has been committed to providing multiple and flexible education pathways for young people with different aspirations and abilities through VPET.


    Following a recommendation of the Task Force on Promotion of VPET in its review report submitted to the Government in January 2020, the Steering Committee has been established to strengthen coordination of the overall strategy to promote VPET and fostering closer industry partnership. To foster collaboration and create synergy between VPET promotion and the QF, the newly established Steering Committee will also take over the functions of the Steering Committee on QF Fund.

    airman, Vocational Training Council

  • Volunteer

    Organizations that I like to contribute.

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    Director, 2015 - Present

    An education course provider on creativity, artistic, and career development for schools, nonprofits, and even the private sector. I help to provide training and advice in youth development.

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    Founder, 2009 - 2015

    An education enterprise connecting people to understand the world. I led it for 4 years. Now I sit on the board of directors. ICE is the Winner of Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge.


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    AIESEC Mainland of China & AIESEC Hong Kong

    Board of Advisor & Supervisory Group Member, 2016 - Presence

    AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education.


  • Writing (HK Economic Journal信報)

    英國老牌媒體《衞報》今年為傳媒數碼轉型及社會創新界帶來兩個重磅好消息:衞報傳媒集團(Guardian Media Group)宣布多年來首次轉虧為盈,更成為全球首家主流媒體獲共益企業認證!同時,集團高調宣稱於2030年達至零碳排放的環保目標,而且將集結旗下全球記者的力量,給予環保報道一個至關重要的位置。《衞報》內部記者指引把全球暖化變成「氣候危機」(climate crisis),措詞由溫和中性變得更具緊迫性,更貼接事實。 廿年創新 重數碼轉型 1819年,在曼徹斯特城爆發帝國警察鎮壓示威事件,騎兵直接衝入6萬名要求改革議會、反惡法(穀物法)的人群中,導致18死、700傷(史稱彼得盧屠殺...
    魏穎是一位中國傳媒大學畢業的文藝青年,她注重文化消費但不太會賺錢,為張羅生活費,她看到學校畢業季度的地攤市場,就假裝自己為即將畢業的學生,收拾宿舍內一堆舊書,擺地攤放賣。因書本優質,故全部售出。之後,她只要一缺錢就去擺賣,直到某天一個同學問她:「師姐,你怎麼還沒畢業?」魏穎通過擺攤賣二手書來買更多新著作,用書蟲文青的話就是「以書養書」。過程還給她一個創業啟發:如何用更方便的渠道,讓人轉賣耐用消費品作循環消費的社會創新? 喜閱讀 興趣創業 與父輩不同,新一代消費者不執着於長期擁有物品,更着重當下如何使用,並願意把閒置物與他人分享。在國內,服飾、電子產品、家居等領域都出現不少租賃和二手平台,...
    Add paragraph text here. 近日一個在全球各地鬧得熱烘烘的社交媒體主題標籤#Me Too,主要用於譴責性侵犯與性騷擾行為。在美國,5個女性中就會有一個成為校園性侵犯與性騷擾的性罪行受害者,男性受害者比率亦高達百分之七。但不論男女,當中只有不足十分一會選擇報案。由捷斯.拉德(Jess Ladd)所創的通報系統Callisto正為這些受害者提供支援,阻止犯案者繼續作惡。 親身經歷埋下改變種子 捷斯出生於愛滋病肆虐高峰期的舊金山,成長環境讓她早意識到性健康、自身權利和爭取正義的重要性。大學時期一次被好友性侵的經歷讓她慨嘆:「比起事件本身,後續的通報流程和調查往往更具創...
  • Speech & Interviews

    TEDx Talk

    Inter Cultural Exchange: from a Googler to a social entrepreneur.

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    Personal story for tech startup. (2021)

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    Personal story for Google, ICE and training. (2016)


    Always welcome for a coffee chat.

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